Sunday, March 19, 2006

在這裡茂爖,先和大家拜個晚年, 雖然已經到了三月將近結束的日子,台北的天氣卻還是天天忽晴忽雨,忽冷忽熱的,不知道各位姨丈、姨媽、表哥、表弟、表妹們,你們那邊可好,願在這個新的年度裡,我們仍蒙主的眷顧,特別保守大姨夫大姨媽與表哥的生意興隆,天天有得救的靈魂加增。



Hullo! everybody, this is the blog which only for our family to use. The purpose to build this blog is tring to connect our family member who seperate all over the worlds. Hope that we can use this place express our love to each other. Hey! no matter where you are, we are family.
By the way, My english is so poor, please forgive me if sentence went any wrong. May God bless us all.